Levels of Hospice Care

Routine Home Care
Care is provided intermittently by hospice team members in the Patient’s or Family’s home or where ever a Patient calls home which includes; assisted living, skilled care and residential care.

General In-Patient Care
Care is provided at a contractual hospital, skilled facility or in-patient hospice facility for Patients who need acute pain control/chronic symptom management which cannot be managed in other settings. The necessity for in-patient care and paid length of stay will be determined by the Patient’s condition and the hospice interdisciplinary team.

Respite Care
Up to five (5) days of respite care at a contractual hospital, skilled nursing facility or in-patient hospice facility will be paid by hospice, if approved by the hospice interdisciplinary team. The benefit may be used to give the family/caregiver a rest and the patient does not have to meet acute care standards.

Continuous Home Care
A minimum of eight (8) hours of care per day may be provided during periods of crisis to maintain the patient at home. Criteria for continuous home care are the same as general in-patient care and consist predominantly of nursing care; however, hospice aides may also supplement the nursing care.